2014/2015 TAFE Christmas closedown
The NSW Government has released advice regarding the 2014/2015 Christmas closedown.
Public Sector Agencies, including TAFE, will close down from Monday 22 December 2014 until Friday 2 January 2015 inclusive. Most Institutes will close down over this period.
Can I be directed to take annual leave because of the Christmas closedown?
Just because your college or office is closing down does not mean you can be directed to take annual leave to cover the closedown period.
You cannot be directed to take annual leave if you have accrued less than 40 days annual leave. The choice to take leave is yours.
Clause 34.1.4 of the TAFE Commission of NSW Administrative, Support and Related Employees Enterprise Agreement 2013 deals with the circumstances where a staff member may be directed to take recreation leave.
When can I be directed to take annual leave?
You can only be directed to take annual leave if your accumulated annual leave balance exceeds 40 working days (50 for shift workers). Then you can be directed to take annual leave to reduce the accrued leave below 40 days.
Even if you have accrued over 40 days the enterprise agreement allows for you to “conserve” leave for operational or personal reasons with the approval of the Managing Director.
What if my college or office is shut?
If your TAFE college or office is shut over the Christmas New year period and if you want to keep working then a reasonable alternative work arrangement must be made available for you at your convenience.
TAFE may ask you to work at another location but you cannot be expected to travel unreasonable distances.
If you are required to work at an alternative workplace you may be entitled to be reimbursed for the cost of travel to and from work.
Am I required to put up a justification or “business case” why I do not want to take my leave?
Can I be directed to take extended leave?
You cannot be directed to take extended leave (or long service leave) under any circumstances.
What can the union do for me if I have a problem?
If there is evidence that management has tried to direct you to take annual leave outside of the provisions of Clause 34.1.4 of the Agreement, and you are a member of the PSA(CPSU) we will lodge a dispute on your behalf to prevent this occurring
What else does the Christmas closedown mean for me?
Public Holidays
- Thursday 25 December 2014 Christmas Day
- Friday 26 December 2014 Boxing Day Holiday
- Monday 29 December 2014 Public Service Holiday
- Thursday 1 January 2015 New Year’s Day
Concessional Leave
The arrangements for the half concessional day are the same as previous years and consistent with the terms of the Personnel Handbook.
The concessional leave only applies if you are required to work on Christmas Eve.
You must be required to be on duty that morning and must work half your standard full time daily hours. If you are directed to remain on duty for the full day on 24 December you are entitled to a half-day’s concessional leave on 31 December 2014.
Public Service Holiday
The Public Service holiday on Monday, 29 December 2014 is a public holiday determined by the Managing Director TAFE NSW as a public service holiday and is set down as a day between Boxing Day and New Year’s Day each year. (See Clause 47.1.3 of the TAFE Commission of NSW Administrative, Support and Related Employees Enterprise Agreement 2013).
If you have any questions regarding this advice or want your union to support you with any problems you have regarding your rights at work over the Christmas and New Year period please speak to a PSA (CPSU) delegate.