2020: The year in review
This year began with the bushfires, then COVID-19 hit. It has been a year of upheaval along with some considerable changes in the workplace. With a big year of change coming to a close we have outlined the stages some of the industrial issues stand at as of 18 December 2020:
TFNSW restructures
Business as Usual (BAU) restructures
Whilst there is a large amount of change occurring within the context of Evolving Transport, business as usual change has continued. The following areas of Transport have received determined structures:
- TSS Payroll and Personnel
- P & C Workplaces
- L&D
- TSS Finance
The unions have raised concerns about the recruitment process for the Workplaces restructure in that not only is there a lack of consistency across the BAU restructures but that they are proposing, against their own policies, to allow temporary employees without 12 months’ service to apply for roles from the outset.
The changes in these areas are to be implemented in the new year.
Evolving Transport
Evolving Transport has been on the cards since the beginning of the year. With the onset of COVID-19 it was placed on hold, with it quickly picking up pace towards the end of this year. Of the 28 branches involved in Evolving Transport, 23 branches have had their structures determined; these branches are:
- ROM Chief Customer Office
- ROM Community and Place
- ROM Network and Assets
- ROM Finance and Commercial
- GS Community and Place
- GS Commercial
- GS Planning and Programs
- GS Maritime (Top line)
- CST Customer Payment Services
- CST Technology and Innovation
- CST Transport Planning
- CST Freight
- IP Development
- IP Regional Project Delivery
- IP Rail Delivery
- IP Sydney Project Delivery
- IP Technical Services
- IP Commercial, Performance and Strategy
- SER Asset Management Determination
- SER Insights and Engagement
- SER Regulatory Operations
Recruitment process
As many of those employees affected would know, there are two main recruitment processes to be used across the Evolving Transport restructure:
- Closed process:
- There are 276 roles across Evolving Transport that will go through a closed process
- This process is invoked where the role changes by less than 20% and there are more employees than roles.
- Expanded process:
- There are 756 roles across Evolving Transport which will go through the expanded process.
- This process is invoked where the role is changed by more than 20% as TfNSW consider this to constitute a new role. Whilst the unions have continually raised concerns about this arbitrary number, TfNSW have insisted this means a merit process is required to occur and affected employees will have to compete for role. Only those in your branch will be able to apply.
The PSA is assisting a number of members with issues as to how these roles have been determined.
If you are identified and invited to apply for roles with the roles advertised either over the Christmas break or early January we have been advised by TfNSW you can seek an extension of the close date through your People Partner. It has been an exhausting year, we recommend members to reach out to their People Partner if they need to have break and would like further time to complete applications.
No forced redundancies
It is important to remember if you find yourself at the end of the branch recruitment process still displaced you cannot be made forcibly redundant. However, this does not prevent TfNSW from declaring you excess and you accepting a Voluntary Redundancy.
Who does this currently apply to?
- Transferred RMS employees by virtue of the Transport Administration Amendment (RMS Dissolution) Act 2019 (NSW) secured by the joint Unions
- TfNSW employees, as the Secretary has made a commitment to not make any TfNSW employee forcibly redundant. Unfortunately, we have not been advised how long this policy decision will last.
If you do find yourself declared excess and you do not accept a VR, this will mean you remain in a redeployment phase. TfNSW have advised that what this redeployment phase looks like will depend on the individual.
RMS Award conversion
The unions are in consultation with TfNSW on the roles being sought to transfer from the RMS Award to the TfNSW Award. Due to a Memorandum of Understanding negotiated by the joint unions, the transition to the TfNSW Award cannot occur without the union’s agreement.
The PSA have been reaching out to members seeking feedback. We have identified that USS10 to TfNSW Grade 8 could result in an employee being worse off, as such we have not agreed to this transition. In most other circumstances employees will not be worse off. You can view the transition table here.
Surveillance Officer Capability Review
The second phase of the Surveillance Officer (SO) Capability Review is in progress, with many employees who are to be regraded having received their letter. It is understood this second phase has taken longer; at the beginning of December there were approximately 60 SOs from I&P and nine from Greater Sydney regrades outstanding. All of these employees will be back paid until 26 October 2020.
In determining the grade for the SOs TfNSW has looked at the duties it requires the employee to do, it has not undertaken this review on an individual basis. If you believe the SO grade you are undertaking should be higher, we recommend you seek a review of your grade through your local manager in the first instance.
NHVR – Heavy Vehicle Inspectors
The PSA and TfNSW were planning to meet this month as the proposal for NHVR was to go through cabinet for a decision. The meeting was cancelled with no reason given. At the moment it is unclear if Cabinet has made a decision.
Review of the flex agreement
As members would be aware this year was the first in which the new flexible work agreement was in effect. This agreement had a one-year review clause in it which requires that the combined unions and the department would agree to review the operation of this agreement 12 months from its commencement. We are now approaching this point in time and the PSA will be engaging its members in the new year to find out how this new agreement has been working.
From midday 18 December 2020 to 11 January 2021 the PSA will be shut down and operate on minimal staffing. However, if you need urgent assistance during our close down, please call 1300 772 679 where you will be provided with assistance as soon as possible.
We will resume full operating hours from 9.00am Monday 11 January 2021.
We want to wish all members and their families a Happy Christmas and New Year.
We look forward to getting around to all work locations in the New Year and hope that 2021 is a much better year.
Any member with concerns or seeking further information please contact the Member Support Centre at or call 1300 772 679.