LPI Stop Work Meeting - Public Service Association

LPI Stop Work Meeting

LPI Stop Work Meeting Flyer – June 2016 (PDF version)

PSA members strongly believe action is necessary to highlight the benefits LPI currently brings to the people of NSW, and how privatisation will disadvantage the broader community – both financially and in terms of quality service provision.

Members do not believe that LPI staff have been given the respect they deserve from the State Government, as they are well trained and do an excellent job for the people of NSW. In order to highlight to the community the value of keeping LPI in public hands, members have voted to stop work.

Read the flyer HERE.

Date:      Thursday 9 June

When:    11am

Where : Out the front of Queen’s Square

  • Keep LPI in public hands, stop the unjustified sale
  • Protect public sector jobs
  • Not a member? Non-members need to join the PSA today so that they can support their union colleagues in the campaign against this reckless decision.  Go to www.psa.asn.au to join the PSA and join the campaign.

For more information, contact your PSA delegates:

  • Geoff Watson (Secretary), ICT
  • Chris Roberts, TRS
  • Christine Baillie, TRS
  • Rachel Tribe, TRS
  • Anabel Morales Nogués, OVG

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