Undervalued, Understaffed, Underpaid – The fight continues. - Public Service Association

Undervalued, Understaffed, Underpaid – The fight continues.

West/South West Region Stop Work Meeting

On 4th July 2024, PSA members employed by the NSW Sheriff’s Office (NSWSHO) in the Hunter-North region took part in a stop work meeting to consider and implement any actions that they deem fit in response to the Government’s decision not to deliver a long-awaited pay rise to members.

This action was hugely successful with 44 court houses affected and 43 of these courthouses remaining closed for the duration of the stop work action. Despite this action being taken, we are yet to see any further progress towards resolving this long-standing dispute.

In line with the above,

All members of the PSA in the NSW Sheriff’s Office within the West/Southwest regions are directed to attend a stop-work meeting on:

08:30 AM – 10:30 AM on,

Wednesday 17 July 2024.

PSA members are to report to their Hub locations for the meeting. However, if you are already at a Satellite location (i.e. on circuit) you are to join the meeting from that location via AVL and cease duties until 10.30am

Only members of the PSA are protected in taking Industrial Action by Clause 64 of the Crown Employees (Public Service Conditions of Employment) Award 2009 which states that “There will be no victimisation of staff members prior to, during or following industrial action”.

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