Service NSW Hours of operation changes
Service NSW hours of operation changes – August 2016 (PDF version)
On Wednesday 27 July 2016, Service NSW informed the PSA it planned to change the span of hours Service Centres operate.
The changes identify four separate Service Centre categories, based upon analysis of the clientele attendances over the past three years of operation.
Service NSW did not provide any data used to provide the rationale for hours of operation changes.
The ability of Service NSW to change the span of hours is set down in clause 13 of the Service NSW (Salaries and Conditions) Employees Award 2016.
13. – Change of Operating Hours Within the Spread of Hours
13.1 – Any change to the operating hours of a Service Centre or Contact Centre within the spread of hours as set out in clause 11 shall be subject to the General Consultative Arrangements as per Clause 6, inclusive of the following consultative process:
a) Service NSW shall notify employees in writing of any change to operating hours at least six (6) weeks in advance of the date on which the change is proposed to take place.
As part of this process, the PSA is seeking input from members. Whilst some members may appreciate working a smaller span of hours, there could be members who are negatively affected by these changes. We are concerned about those impacts.
Clause 6 of the Service NSW Award states:
6.6 – Service NSW will meet with the affected employees and the Association and discuss the effects of the changes on the employee(s) concerned and measures proposed to avoid or otherwise minimise any possible adverse impact on affected employees.
If you would like a meeting at your workplace to discuss the changes to the operation of hours at your Service Centre, the PSA can be contacted at .