NSW Police Force Capability framework – Transition to role descriptions - Public Service Association

NSW Police Force Capability framework – Transition to role descriptions

NSW Police Force Capability framework – Transition to role descriptions – August 2016 (PDF version)

Members would be aware from our previous bulletin the PSA is undertaking consultation with NSWP regarding the transition to the Capability Framework and changing from position descriptions to role descriptions. Read the bulletin HERE.

Concerns have been raised by members regarding outdated position descriptions that no longer accurately reflect the duties performed, due to new or additional duties and positions evolving. To date, no re-evaluation has been undertaken by NSW Police to inform new role descriptions.

Draft role descriptions discussed with the Department include Crime Scene Officers, Multi Cultural Liaison Officers (MCLOs) and Special Constables. A number of amendments suggested by members have now been included in the role descriptions.

However, the process failed to take into account the fact some roles have substantially changed over many years and require re-evaluation. Your union will continue to consult with members and delegates with the aim of ensuring that the important work performed by our members in NSW Police is reflected in your new role descriptions following a thorough evaluation process.

Active Armed Offender (AAO) Training

Since the rollout of the AAO training commenced, the PSA has sought to ensure Special Constables would also have the opportunity to undertake this training. Your PSA industrial staff and delegates met with senior NSPWF representatives and also raised the request with the NSWPF WHS Consultative Committee.

The PSA is pleased a decision has now been made in favour of providing AAO training to Special Constables and we are informed by the department this has recently commenced.

Award Update – Special Constables

In January 2016, the PSA wrote to NSWP seeking to commence negotiations for a new Crown Employees (Special Constables) Award. Members were asked to provide their feedback and following endorsement by members of a draft log of claims, it was submitted to NSWPF.

On 29 July, a request for a progress update was forwarded to Employee Relations and we again stated our desire to commence the bargaining process as soon as possible. As yet, NSWPF have not responded.

The PSA will advise members as soon as a response is received and the negotiations can begin.

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