DRNSW Inaugural Joint Consultative Committee – 3 September 2021: Members’ update
PSA and DRNSW Departmental Committee members, along with representatives from Professional Australia, met with the DRNSW Secretary and DRNSW IR representatives on 3 September 2021.
Now that DRNSW is 18 months old and some of the COVID-19 related restrictions are being relaxed, the PSA has sought to address and enhance the consultative mechanisms that exist within the ‘new’ agency. This consultative forum is an overarching committee that primarily deals with discussions relating to agency-wide industrial issues.
What Was Discussed?
Long Term Temporary Staff and Conversion Opportunities and Funding Models;
- PSA Virtual Notice Board;
- Regional Hubs Employment Strategies – Armidale, Dubbo, Coffs Harbour and Queanbeyan;
- Cost Recovery Implications for Employment – DPI projects;
- Budgetary Situation for DRNSW – Efficiency Dividends and Subsequent Strategies;
- Management of excess recreation leave – Leave Plans;
- Bullying and Harassment Reporting Arrangements;
- People Matters Employment Survey Scores;
- COVID-19 Update – Vaccinations, Rapid Antigen Testing, Regional Response, Authorised Officers;
- MEG/Resources Regulator Reform.
How Do You Have Your Say?
The PSA has developed Departmental Committee structures within DRNSW so that we have representation from across our membership in DRNSW. The PSA Departmental Committee meets four times a year to discuss the workplace matters that affect you. During the year, PSA delegates are in constant contact with PSA representatives to discuss issues that relate to members and their workplaces. Members can also contact the Member Support Centre on 1300 772 679.
Some agencies have their own consultative mechanisms already in place including the previous Resources Regulator, DPI Fisheries and Local Land Services. Membership and resources permitting, the PSA would like to substantially increase the number of those consultative mechanisms within DRNSW. The more members, the more resources that the PSA can expend on representing our membership.
If you are seeking more information on any of the items mentioned, you can contact your local PSA DC delegates, listed below.
Your Departmental Committee Delegates:
Department of Primary Industries:
One vacant position
Strategy, Delivery and Performance
Public Works and Regional Development
Two vacant positions
Mining Exploration and Geoscience/Corporate/Office of the Secretary
Vacancies On the PSA DRNSW Departmental Committee
Want to be more involved in the workplace?
If you are interested in filling one of the three vacant positions, please contact one of the above Delegates or PSA Organiser:
Not a member and reading this? Now is the time to join. www.psa.asn.au