A $30,000 reason to be a PSA member
The PSA has won a whopping $30,000 in back pay for a member in the Hunter region of Family and Community Services.
The individual initially approached the PSA’s Newcastle Organiser, Paul James for assistance with a grievance.
During subsequent discussions, the member indicated they felt their pay rate was incorrect.
After an investigation, it was discovered their increments had not been paid for the past four years.
It got worse.
FACS said that the payments had not been made as the person was under performance management.
That was news to our member who was adamant there was no such plan in place.
And at no time were they ever informed by FACS or Businesslink that their increments were being withheld.
After the PSA demanded an audit of the member’s pay, FACS advised they had made an error.
Worse, the Department also admitted that the individual was not on any formal performance management plan.
The things they try, eh?
In total, the member received more than $30,000 in back pay.
To say that they were grateful for the PSA’s efforts would be a massive understatement.
It pays – quite literally – to be a PSA member.