Anti-discrimination board bulletin – 3 Feb 2017 (PDF version)
Formation of the ADB PSA Workplace Group
The last ordinary PSA members meeting for 2016 was held on 20 December. All members attending the meeting requested the PSA, through its rules, formalise the ADB Workplace Group in light of a number concerns recently raised about how the union operates.
Following the meeting, a formal request has been sent through to the PSA Executive for consideration and approval. Once this has been finalised, arrangements can then be made to have the inaugural Annual General Meeting of the ADB Workplace Group.
At this time, it would be expected to hold the AGM in either February or March, at which the Charter will be approved. The Workplace Group will assist in providing a regular structure and transparent process for union members to participate in.
Joint Consultative Committee meetings
The PSA will follow up directly with ADB management to establish dates for the 2017 JCC. Once the union confirms those dates, all members will be informed.
The new Industrial Officer for the ADB is Dean Allen ().
PSA communications
Concerns have previously been raised about whether the PSA’s communication reflects the views of members. In response, the formal implementation of a workplace group should assist in ensuring that any position taken by the PSA has the majority support of members.
The General Secretary has also directed PSA staff to liaise with delegates in the preparation of all communications to members prior to his approval.
ADB management attending PSA member meetings
The PSA does not discriminate as to whether a member is part of the management team. We actively encourage and ask all employees of the NSW Public Service to be members.
That said, it is expected managers should exercise common sense and respect as to whether they should attend a meeting of members.
PSA staff are happy to ask managers not attend a meeting, or asking that they excuse themselves for any part of that meeting in which members may wish to discuss issues around management or where there may be a possible conflict of interest.
Get involved
As we progress with creating a formal workplace group for the ADB it would be great to have additional members come on board as a delegate. Being a delegate offers you the opportunity to have a significant input into your workplace. Yes, it can be demanding but hopefully also rewarding.
PSA staff, both organising and industrial are there to support delegates and we also provide a range of training courses which can be accessed through your Award conditions under which members are entitled to
12 days’ paid leave for trade union training every
two years.
Any members interested in becoming more involved or have any questions about being a delegate and what that would mean should contact PSA Organiser, Surabi Alauddin, ph 1300 772 679 or email .