Anti-Discrimination Board – PSA member update
Anti-Discrimination Board – restructure update – Dec 2017 (PDF version)
The PSA wrote to the Anti-Discrimination Board (ADB) to emphasise the ADB’s obligation to genuinely consult with members in relation to the restructure. Read that letter HERE
This follows member concerns over the absence of proper consultation. As a result of the letter, information was provided to the PSA at the last Joint Consultative meeting between the ABD and the PSA.
In the meeting:
- The PSA highlighted that there had been endless speculation about the restructure, and some staff fear for the future and are concerned about what the restructure will mean to them
- The PSA raised that fact that the downgrading of the Manager Enquiries and Conciliation is causing Education Branch staff concern as to what this will mean to their own roles. If there is no Grade 9/10, what will happen to the Grade 7/8 roles?
- Kathrina Lo, the Deputy Secretary of Justice Services, advised that the Department is committed to a transparent process and consultation
- The submission for draft structure and draft role descriptions will be provided to the Secretary for his approval in principle as soon as it is finalised. Ms. Lo clarified that the approval is for the draft structure and draft role descriptions to be released for consultation early in the new year. This was confirmed in a letter to the PSA
- Staff will be invited to make suggestions for amendments they believe are required and Ms. Lo will consider these amendments
- Lo reiterated that there will be genuine consultation and nothing is final until after the consultation
- The Department will review the staff comments and will get back to staff with their feedback on those comments.
View the response of management to the PSA letter HERE.
The PSA will develop a structured consultation process with management in order to express the views of members. Member meetings in relation to the restructure will be organised in early 2018. A PSA bulletin outlining the relevant policies will be sent to members in January 2018.
Your PSA Delegate is:
Your PSA Staff are:
Surabi Alauddin – PSA Organiser – ">
Monika Wunderlin – PSA Industrial Officer – ">