Births Deaths and Marriages SAP transition - Public Service Association

Births Deaths and Marriages SAP transition

Births Deaths & Marriages SAP transition – April 2016 (PDF version)

Since SAP was introduced November 2015, there have been a number of issues that have arisen with PSA members’ pay. These include overpayments, underpayments and, in one case, no payment of salaries.

As a result the PSA, delegate Edwin Garland and the Department, including representatives from SAP, met on 4 April to discuss and resolve problems associated with the transition from Aurion to the SAP system.

The Department was very focused on resolving the issues and developing strategies to assist staff during this period to ensure a consistent approach when inputting data into SAP

The Department reported that the error rate for SAP-related issues has reduced significantly since its introduction five months ago.

The PSA will continue to meet with the Department if required to resolve matters during this transition period.

For SAP-related issues, email

For pay-related issues, contact Business Support.

In the first instance the PSA and delegates encourage members to attempt to resolve the matters locally. However, if this is unsuccessful please contact your PSA delegate involved in this issue, Edwin Garland at

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