- Bulletins - Page 411 of 1018

Evolving Transport update

All branches affected by Evolving Transport have had their structures determined. The various branches are at different stages of the implementation process. With the structures determined, TfNSW considered the Evolving Transport Joint Consultative Group (JCG) meeting was no longer required. The PSA insisted the JCG needed to continue to discuss issues arising from the implementation of the new structures. On 1 June 2021, the PSA…

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Mandatory testing update

The PSA/CPSU NSW has received a statement from Minister Roberts confirming the passage of the Mandatory Disease Testing Bill. You can read his statement HERE. Members working in our prisons and Youth Justice facilities will now be spared months of uncertainty if they are exposed to bodily fluids from inmates or detainees. The PSA/CPSU NSW thanks all members who assisted in getting this Bill through…

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Misconduct allegations for Goulburn Correctional Centre and South Coast Correctional Centre: 28-29 March 2021

On 8 June 2021, we sent out this BULLETIN, asking members who are facing misconduct allegations related to the Goulburn action to complete this SURVEY. So far around half of the members who have received allegations have completed the survey. We are going to leave the survey open for a further week and we ask that any members in receipt of allegations complete it, if…

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TestSafe: PSA members’ update

At our TestSafe TEAMS meeting on Thursday 10 June 2021 a number of issues were identified for clarification, including conservation of recreation leave at 30 and 40 days. The Crown Employees (Public Service Conditions of Employment) Reviewed Award 2009, requires employees to take two consecutive weeks of recreation leave every 12 months. This is a Work, Health and Safety requirement fought for by unions and…

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Keep Our Icons Alive rally: Monday, 21 June 2021

Martin Place (next to Macquarie street) 12.00pm-1:00pm Why are we rallying in Martin Place? It is reported the NSW Government is considering multi-million-dollar funding cuts to NSW Cultural Institutions. This could lead to job cuts. We need you to attend this rally to show your support to funded, permanent and safe jobs at NSW Cultural Institutions. Why is it important you attend? PSA members joining…

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