- Bulletins - Page 477 of 1018

The PSA Survey closes TODAY. Have you had your say?

The PSA survey closes today at 4pm. CLICK HERE TO COMPLETE THE SURVEY You can read the original BULLETIN outlining why we are surveying members. Thank you to those of you that have sent your feedback, hearing from members is vital and supports the work of the PSA. Don’t let your opportunity to have your say on the issues facing you in the workplace.  Please…

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Wages case: an update

The PSA was in conciliation yesterday afternoon in the Industrial Relations Commission with the State Government over our application for a 2.5 per cent pay increase. The matter did not resolve in conciliation. Your union began negotiations for this increase in December 2019. The position of the government remains no salary increase for public servants for 12 months. There will be additional hearings next Wednesday…

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Salaries Award update

PDF version The PSA was in the Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) today regarding the application for a 2.5 per cent pay increase. The State Government has applied to join 48 public sector Award applications together with the PSA Salaries case. The Government’s goal is a pay freeze for all public sector employees. The Chief Commissioner joined the 23 Health Services Union Awards and the four…

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Your DCJ Communities Delegates and the Consultation Process

Your union, the PSA, has been working to set up a Community Services/Housing Delegate forum to support an ongoing opportunity for Delegates across the Illawarra Shoalhaven and Southern NSW region to communicate with the PSA and each other. The delegate forum will give you, through your Delegates, an opportunity to discuss what is important to members in various workplaces across the region. The aim is…

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PSA writes to Commissioner seeking consultation regarding staffing and TZ

The PSA wrote to the Commissioner of Police, Mr Mick Fuller APM, on 10 June 2020 requesting consultation on Radio Operations Group (ROG) bushfire staffing and revised arrangements for taking Triple-Zero calls. A copy of the letter can be viewed HERE. The PSA’s request follows ongoing fallout from short-staffing during the summer bushfire season and more recently, the taking on of TZ calls to assist…

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