- Bulletins - Page 486 of 1019

Members’ bulletin: icare

Premier’s Christmas closedown The PSA understands icare is very keen for staff to take leave over the Christmas-New Year period in line with the Premier’s Memorandum M2019-03 Christmas Closedown. The Premier’s Christmas closedown for 2020-21 is from 25 December 2020 through to 8 January 2021. The PSA does not object to the Christmas Closedown and we would certainly encourage those staff who can, to enjoy…

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Customer, Strategy and Technology – Transport Planning members’ meeting

The PSA has organised a Microsoft teams meeting for its members CST – Transport Planning branch to discuss the information presented at the Evolving Transport consultation briefing. Details are as follows: Date: Wednesday, 4 November 2020 Time: 12:00pm-1:00pm To join, please use the link HERE. Please feel free to forward this link on to non-members or anyone who may be interested in attending. If you…

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Safety, Environment and Regulation – Asset Management and Insights and Engagement members’ meeting

The PSA has organised a Microsoft Teams meeting for its members in Safety, Environment and Regulation to discuss the information presented at the Evolving Transport consultation briefing. Details are as follows: Safety, Environment and Regulation – Asset Management members’ meeting Date: Tuesday, 3 November 2020 Time: 12:00pm-1:00pm To join, please use the link HERE. Safety, Environment and Regulation – Insights and Engagement members’ meeting Date:…

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Award discussions – no response yet from Treasury

This bulletin is to update members on the most recent Award discussions with management. The PSA and the Rural Fire Service (RFS) met once more on 26 October to discuss the Rural Fire Service Award. We were advised at the meeting that there had been no response yet from the Government’s Wages Policy Taskforce (WPT) which was disappointing. The employer requires approval from the WPT…

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Congratulations to our newest PSA Delegate – Pete Christie!

Congratulations to your newly elected Resilience NSW PSA Delegate – Pete Christie. Pete was unanimously elected at the recent Resilience NSW members meeting. Pete currently works in the Disaster Welfare team as a Senior Project Officer. He has already strongly advocated for members regarding the Travel Arrangements review, and has been instrumental in collecting and raising feedback during the Resilience NSW restructure. He is looking…

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