- Bulletins - Page 558 of 1018

Office of Emergency Management: move to Department of Premier and Cabinet

Further to the members’ meeting held on 14 April 2020, the PSA requested answers to the following questions from the OEM: How many individuals will be affected by the move to DPC? How many people will lose their jobs? How many people will need to reapply for their jobs? Are roles being deleted, if so which ones? Will there be a physical relocation? Will there…

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Work Health and Safety issues

The PSA met with the Office of Emergency Management on 16 April 2020 following reports of significant Work Health and Safety (WHS) issues members have endured; particularly overwork and fatigue. At the meeting, the PSA identified that adequate systems for dealing with WHS matters were required to manage and ensure safe working practices. The PSA proposed that the OEM allocate dedicated resources to WHS matters.…

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Fisheries: FOVB votes on partial lifting of work bans

Members would be aware of the current work ban regarding work under Acts such as the Biosecurity Act and the EPBC Act where the lawful use and carriage of batons and handcuffs was uncertain and separate to the normal compliance functions under the Fisheries Management Act 1994. The work bans were introduced because Fisheries Compliance Management (FCM), since mid 2017, has not provided the PSA/FOVB with any certainty as to…

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Evolving Transport – Community & Place, proposed interim structure

The PSA is interested in hearing from its members who have concerns about the recently proposed Community & Place interim structure. Even with the current restrictions around face-to-face consultation at the moment, it is still essential that we continue to engage with our members around proposed changes. The consultation pack can be accessed HERE. Members can raise their concerns with the PSA by emailing Ben…

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Disability Services: Coronavirus update

PSA Delegates and members have been working closely with the Department in these extremely difficult circumstances to develop briefing material, training material and protocols to deal with the Coronavirus crisis. The Department established a COVID-19 Planning Committee that is chaired by the Director Business & Transition Services. The Chairperson of the PSA Workplace Council is also a member of this very important Committee. The Committee…

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