- Bulletins - Page 611 of 1018

Court Reporters: Vocational Advisory Group members’ meeting on Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Thank you to all the members who attended the meeting this week. The following resolution was passed during the meeting: That effective from today, 26 November 2019, Court Reporters: Will not use private mobile phones for assignment purposes. Will not assist, nor train, nor relieve in the position of any employee undertaking the role of assignment of Court Reporters to court. Will not cover courts…

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Have you voted yet? Your flex agreement is up for renewal

CLICK HERE TO VOTE. Recently the PSA sent you a BULLETIN advising you that the Department of Education Flexible Working Hours Agreement was due to be renewed and that the Department had proposed a three year agreement. Thank you to those of you that have already voted, member input is vital and supports the work of the PSA. If you haven’t yet voted, please take…

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NSW Police reneges on discussions for Special Constable pay and role

As reported in our earlier Bulletin HERE, the Industrial Relations Commission (IRC), at the request of NSW Police, issued Dispute Orders banning the PSA from taking industrial action in the Security Management Unit (SMU) until March next year. Any breach of these orders will result in fines against the PSA of up to $20,000 for the first day and $10,000 for each day thereafter. NSW…

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POVB bulletin – Workers’ Compensation

Our Delegates to Management meeting was held on 19, 20 and 21 November. In that forum we discussed Workers’ Compensation. There are many issues with the Workers Compensation Act that governs us. Some of these are: Only getting paid 95 per cent of earnings The Pre-Injury Average weekly earnings If you are long term over 13 weeks, the reduction to 80 per cent of earnings…

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The PSA recently called for nominations for the following positions on the State Executive of the Commissioned Prison Officers (Vocational Branch) Advisory Group. Chairperson                                                     1 Vice Chairperson                                            1 Secretary                                                          1 Executive Officers                                           2 The call for nominations closed on 15 November 2019. We received more nominations than required for all positions and a ballot is required. The ballot is being conducted by an online voting…

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