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Corrective Services non-custodial bulletin - flexible working hours dispute - success! (9 June 2015)

Non Custodial Bulletin - flexible working hours dispute - success! - 9 June 2015 (PDF version) In December 2014 and January 2015, Offender Services and Program staff at Cessnock CC, Mid North Coast CC and Lithgow CC were given directions that severely restricted their flexible working conditions. These directions were issued without prior consultation with the PSA or staff at these Centres. In February 2015,…

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FACS Bulletin re OneFACS Realignment - 5 June 2015

FACS Industrial Bulletin - OneFACS Realignment - 5 June 2015 (PDF version) PSA is concerned OneFACS change plan will trigger mass spill and fill The PSA has been invited to comment on the Department of Family and Community Services draft OneFACS change plan for non-executive staff. This is part of the Department’s consultation process. To read the draft click here If implemented, the draft plan…

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NSW Upper House inquiry to examine TAFE's future under Smart and Skilled - The Greens

MEDIA RELEASE Greens NSW MP John Kaye welcomed the Legislative Council’s unanimous support for an Upper House inquiry into the vocational education and training sector in NSW. A motion for an inquiry referral to General Purpose Standing Committee no. 6 was moved by Christian Democrat MP Paul Green yesterday in the NSW Upper House and passed without dissent. The motion including the terms of reference…

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PSA meeting with Minister Hazzard

PSA meeting with Minister Hazzard June 2015 (PDF version) Today, 4 June 2015, the PSA Assistant General Secretary and FACS delegates met with the Minister for Family & Community Services, Brad Hazzard and senior representatives of the Department. The Minister was very supportive and responded positively to most issues raised by the PSA. The Family & Community Services Head Office is going through a major…

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Industrial action at the MRRC

Department of Corrective Services POVB Bulletin Industrial Action at the MRRC June 2015 (PDF version) On Tuesday 26 May, the General Manager of the MRRC, without warning, summarily removed three members of the IAT from their duties. This removal from IAT was immediate and permanent. Members report the General Manager cited “rumours that indicated misconduct”. The Sub-Branch commenced a meeting during their meal break, and…

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