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The wage freeze: tell us what you think

Many of our members have expressed their disappointment in the Government’s push to freeze public sector salaries and the Industrial Relations Commission’s decision to award you a miniscule 0.3 per cent pay rise, which, factoring in inflation, is actually a pay cut.   To justify blocking your pay rise, State Treasurer Dominic Perrottet claimed he would instead create jobs elsewhere in the economy. However, there…

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Greyhound Welfare and Integrity Commission Joint Consultative Committee

The PSA held its inaugural Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) with the Greyhound Welfare and Integrity Commission (GWIC) on 28 October 2020. The JCC is attended by your PSA Delegates and industrial staff along with senior management of GWIC and DCS Employee Relations. The following is a report back to members on that meeting. GWIC Restructure Management Plan The A/CEO provided a report back to the…

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Coronial inquiry outcome

Earlier today, Commissioner Severin sent out a broadcast informing staff of the outcome of the coronial inquiry into the death of inmate Dwayne Johnstone.  The Coroner has referred this matter to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) to determine if charges should be laid. Today, members of the POVB Executive met with Mr Severin to discuss the matter. Mr Severin made it clear that the…

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The new Flexible Working Policy: We want to hear from you!

The PSA met with Legal Aid NSW Management as part of the consultation process in regards to the draft Flexible Working Policy. As advised, the policy will guide staff and management about flexible work at Legal Aid NSW. The PSA has raised issues relating to the draft Flexible Working Policy and also made suggestions to improve it. Management has told us it will be sending…

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Department of Parliamentary Services restructure

The PSA has been formally advised that the Department of Parliamentary Services (DPS) will be undergoing a restructure. We are looking after your concerns – how will this restructure impact you? How will this impact you performing your role? The PSA has been advised there will be no loss of roles and no loss of conditions. The PSA will be examining every aspect of this…

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