Department of Finance, Services & Innovation FWHA win – correction
Department of Finance Services and Innovation FWHA win – correction – July 2016 (PDF version)
The PSA has another successful win for members in DFSI.
Last week, the PSA conducted a ballot for of all members across DFSI on the single Flexible Working Hours Agreement (FWHA).
Members voted overwhelmingly “yes” (90%) with a “no” vote of 10%.
The PSA officially signed the new single agreement on Wednesday of last week and DFSI management has communicated that it will be looking to implement the new agreement in early September.
As we reported previously, this agreement maintains and in many cases broadens most flexible working hours entitlements and will enable a continuation of the work/life balance which PSA members have enjoyed under their current flex agreements.
For example, all employees now have access to six flex days over a 12-week settlement period.
We have also been given assurances by the DFSI management team that it will embrace the flexible nature of this agreement wherever possible, and we welcome the training that the department is in the process of rolling out for staff and managers.
It is important to note that management’s original proposal was to have a mere 4 week settlement period, a 10 hour carry over period and give management absolute discretion as to when flex leave could be taken.
We now have an agreement with a 12-week settlement period, a 42 hour carry over period and an ability to take leave at any time within operational constraints.
The PSA is pleased with this result, and all members should be proud of their union working with delegates to achieve this great outcome.
Many thanks once more to all the PSA delegates for their sustained work in bringing together the myriad of the competing interests and arguments across all DFSI agencies. Without their ongoing efforts in representing the membership in these negotiations, there is no doubt the outcome would not have been as favourable.