Department of Justice Organisational Performance and Operations Division (OPOD restructure) update - Public Service Association

Department of Justice Organisational Performance and Operations Division (OPOD restructure) update

Department of Justice Organisational Performance and Operations Division (OPOD restructure) update – September 2016 (PDF version)

The PSA is consulting with the Department of Justice NSW regarding the OPOD Restructure, which involves:

  • Asset Management Services
  • Office of the General Counsel
  • Information Technology Services.

The Department of Justice has held several meetings with the PSA regarding the restructures in these areas. Please refer to previous bulletins HERE and HERE if you have not already seen them.

Information Technology Services

There has been progress with the ITS restructure. On 10 August, the Department provided the PSA with the final draft of the change-management plan.

The Department advised it received feedback from more than 26 staff and the PSA, and as a result, has provided
56 items of feedback. As a result of this feedback, the Department made alterations to the ITS change management plan:

  1. Within the stage 1 recruitment process, (relating to assignment to grade, where there are more roles than people) the interview will be the prescribed assessment. All other assessment methods have been removed at this stage.
  2. At stage 2, staff from other divisions and departments who have worked in ITS for greater than 12 months (regardless of merit selection status), will be able to apply for roles, subject to case-by-case review.

The selection process has begun for ITS, with grade 11/12 roles being advertised last week on Wednesday 24 August.

ITS members raised concerns regarding transition plans for handovers. We have been advised the transition planning is being scheduled to coincide with the commencement of direct reports to the executive directors of each branch. The EDs and Branch Directors will be responsible for coordinating and implementing many of the transition elements. Appointments to many of the Director roles have been finalised (yet to be announced). As such, the Department is looking to commence this process during September.

Asset management And Office Of General Counsel

The final draft change management plans for AMS and Office of General Counsel have not been provided to the PSA.

We have been advised the relevant changes made in the ITS Change Management Plan, that being point 1 as mentioned above, will be reflected in the final draft change management plans for both Office of General Counsel and AMS.

The PSA has been advised some concerns have been raised regarding the interview process being independent from OPOD. As such, there were requests for an independent interview panel member. The Department have advised that according to their policies that a panel member will be selected from outside the branch.

If there are any further questions relating to this process please contact Jessica Moore at .

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