Email to all members – 31 October 2016
Dear members,
On Friday 28 October, I commenced duties as the new General Secretary of the PSA.
I would like to thank all those who supported me over the last few years and everyone who worked so tirelessly during the PSA election on behalf of myself and my leadership team.
I extend my warm congratulations to new Assistant General Secretary, Troy Wright and new President, Kylie McKelvie along with Senior Vice President, Nicole Jess and Vice Presidents, Wendy Hurry and Ray Wilton.
I welcome also the new members of the PSA’s Central Council.
In my duties over the next four years I will be drawing on my experiences at the former Metal Workers Union, Parliament House – where I was a PSA delegate – and the number of years I served as a Senior Industrial Officer at the PSA.
I wish to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of many staff at the Association, however, the last four years saw a number missed opportunities for the union.
The introduction of the GSE Act should have been vigorously opposed rather than virtually waved through.
Likewise, a new Regulation under the GSE Act which strips redundancy rights from employees involved in privatisations.
With my recent experience as a carer with ADHC, I will be ensuring that the PSA combats the privatisation of disability services with a fresh campaign.
It was the new Assistant General Secretary, former Probation and Parole member, Troy Wright who earlier this year as CPSU Industrial Officer lead the successful court case that won the PSA the right to follow Home Care workers into the private sector. We intend to pursue a similar strategy for other members who may otherwise be lost through privatisation or outsourcing.
The new President, Kylie McKelvie and Senior Vice President, Nicole Jess will similarly use their personal experience working in Corrective Services to reinvigorate our fight on behalf of those members.
I also intend for the union to step up its efforts in a range of other areas including the fight for proper leave provisions for those impacted by domestic violence.
I am committed to restoring the status of Women’s Council in recognition of the specific challenges our female membership face, and ensuring our members in regional and rural NSW receive locally-based industrial support.
To undertake these tasks effectively, my leadership team will reboot the business of the PSA to act on the concerns of delegates as outlined in the election campaign.
This will involve reshaping and realigning the internal structure of the PSA which will be undertaken in full and open consultation with staff and the respective unions.
We will also make the most of our most valuable resource: delegates.
I want PSA members to be proud of their union, to know that the PSA is their insurance policy in the workplace.
Most of all, I want to the PSA to retake its rightful position as one of the key unions in NSW.
To that end, please join my team and I in making your union a real force to be reckoned with once again.
Stewart Little
General Secretary