Members received information regarding the proposed restructuring of Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) via live streaming on Tuesday 12 March. Some affected members received information that their roles were impacted earlier.
The announcement of the closure of ComSafe Training Service was announced to all staff via email on 23 February 2024. Impacted staff were advised via a team meeting the previous Wednesday. Outside of ComSafe, there will be several changes occurring across FRNSW and while change can be jarring, how change is communicated can alleviate (or cause) concerns about how individuals or teams will be impacted.
Your union, the PSA, is in communication with FRNSW regarding the Change Management Plan (CMP) and process, along with the proposed Organisational Structure. Our focus is on ensuring members are supported throughout the process.
The CMP and consultation
The CMP and proposed structure are now subject to formal consultation and the PSA encourages staff members to have their say on matters that affect their circumstances. The PSA will also begin discussions and negotiations with FRNSW, seeking ways to minimise any potential negative effects on our membership.
Affected staff
Staff who are not matched and placed in roles during the reform will be subject to the NSW Government Mobility Provisions that seeks to place staff across the NSW Public Sector in ‘like’ roles.
Staff who remain unplaced after the eight-week process will be subject to the provisions contained in the Managing Excess Employees policy i.e. voluntary redundancy or redeployment options.
Know your PSA supports
Members who wish to be supported by the PSA to make submissions on the proposed reform can contact Industrial Officer Amy Lennox at with any feedback de-identified and collated for submission.
For more information and support on restructures please contact the Member Support Centre by email at or by calling 1800 772 679 . Matters will be escalated to the Industrial Team where appropriate.