Illawarra members vote to lift ban on QSF submission
Illawarra Shoalhaven district workplace group lift work ban December 2014 (PDF version)
In an act of good faith, members of the ADHC PSA Illawarra Workplace Group have voted to lift a ban on the submission of the Quality and Safety Framework (QSF).
The decision was made following a meeting with the Illawarra/ Shoalhaven District Director in which concerns were raised with the PSA around the District’s ability to efficiently monitor services to clients.
While the PSA believes the QSF information is otherwise available to Department – we have always said that client care is paramount.
The decision to lift the ban is not retrospective and members are not expected to complete previous QSF scorecards. The ban is considered to remain in force for the period March-December 2014, as the information contained in the QSF is otherwise available to the Department.
The PSA remains opposed the wholesale privatisation of disability and home care services – and will continue to campaign against it
All other current work bans remain in force.
Current Illawarra/Shoalhaven District work bans include:
- Completion of vehicle running sheets;
- Financial audits including Finmart;
- Reporting returns;
- Populating spreadsheets or tables relating to group home data.
Tasks specifically excluded from the work bans are:
- Completing purchase card verifications;
- Petty cash and petty cash reconciliations;
- Quality and Safety Framework Scorecard (QSF).