Justice Flex Agreement - Public Service Association

Justice Flex Agreement

Justice Flex Agreement – September 2016 (PDF version)

The PSA has analysed the results of the survey of members about flexible working hours. We have also had a significant number of member meetings and have obtained feedback.

As a consequence, of our final consultation with members the PSA has developed a log of claims and submitted it to management.

The log of claims, includes banking up to five days, a 12 week settlement period and the ability to carry over 42 hours. The 12 week settlement period allows members to take up to 6 flex days in a settlement period if they have accrued sufficient hours to do so.

The log also proposes removing the 18 day limit. The PSA believes that there is no reason why members should not be able to utilise all 26 days in the year if those hours are built up.

A copy of the full log of claims can be seen HERE.

We are shortly sending through an FAQ to answer the questions that members had in the survey. We will also be following up members who stated that they wanted to be involved.

The PSA made representations that time be extended for notice period. This has been agreed to. A copy of our letter to the Department can be seen HERE.

The PSA has also written to the Commissioner of Corrective Services seeking that Corrective Service members maintain separate agreements. A copy of that letter can be seen HERE.

The Department has agreed to an extension of the notice period until 30 November 2016. A copy of the reply can be seen HERE.

Corrective Services has not given a specific response regarding our representations on Corrective Services. We will follow this up with them.

Management are now considering the log of claims and a further meeting will occur once we have a response.

If you have any queries please e-mail us at .

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