Land and Property Information privatisation - Public Service Association

Land and Property Information privatisation

Land and Property Information privatisation – May 2016 (PDF version)

The PSA met with Shadow Minister for Finance, Services and Property, Clayton Barr on 27 April to brief him on the impact that the privatisation of the Titling & Registry Services (T&RS) unit of Land and Property Information (LPI) will have on the NSW community.

Mr Barr expressed a deep concern at what a sell-off of our state’s land and titling registration service would mean for the people of NSW – property owners and renters alike – and the PSA is hopeful this issue will feature as a campaign for the Opposition in the near future.

Greens Upper House Member David Shoebridge is also on board with resisting the Baird Government’s attempts at selling off LPI. His office has confirmed this week it will be lodging a call for papers in the NSW Legislative Council.

Mr Shoebridge will be trying to obtain information regarding the scoping studies that have been completed as well as the strategic review undertaken in 2012/13 by JPMorgan and Mallisons that the PSA had been attempting to access via an application under the Government Information (Public Access) Act (GIPA).

If successful in this motion, it will force the Baird Government to come clean with all of the underpinning reasons that it is using to justify privatising our assets.

The PSA will hold a follow up meeting with David Shoebridge next week for the purpose of discussing and devising collaborative strategic actions both inside and outside of Parliament. These actions can be employed to highlight the benefits LPI currently brings to the people of NSW, and how its privatisation will undermine various commercial stakeholders and serve to disadvantage the broader community – both financially and in terms of quality government service provision. The staff of LPI are well trained to deliver the service and do an excellent job for the people of NSW.

The community of NSW are set to lose a great deal if this ill-conceived “Baird/Berejiklian” venture goes ahead. The PSA continues to fight against this happening.

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