New PSA Justice Legal Fund open for Juvenile Justice Members
New PSA Legal Fund open for Juvenile Justice Members (pdf version)
The PSA has launched a new legal fund for members working in the Justice Sector.
The legal fund, modelled on a similar scheme available to Prison Officers, provides a range of enhanced legal services for members commonly exposed to difficult and dangerous situations in the course of their employment including:
- alleged criminal offenses arising out of or in the course of employment
- making a claim under the Victims Right and Support Act 2013 which arises out of or in the course of employment
- any Coronial Enquiry where the interests of the member and their employer diverge
- any commission of enquiry or tribunal conducting an enquiry whose findings could have an adverse effect upon the member of the Legal Fund.
Membership of the PSA Justice Sector Legal Fund is available to PSA Members for as little as $2 a week.
Click HERE for a joining application and full terms and conditions.