NSW Trustee & Guardian urgent bulletin
NSW Trustee & Guardian Urgent bulletin – November 2015 (PDF version)
Business Case – Beyond 2017 – Industrial Relations Commission Dispute
The PSA appeared before Commissioner Newall in the Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) yesterday, 5 November 2015. A number of NSWTAG delegates and members attended the hearing.
The Conciliation was a continuation of the session held on 28 October 2015.
What happened?
Following an outline of how proceedings would be conducted, Commissioner Newell went into private session with the PSA, members and delegates. During this session a number of members addressed their concerns about the impact of the Business Case and the defects with its implementation. Commissioner Newell then had a private session with NSWTAG representatives.
The Commissioner then returned with all parties present.
Commissioner Newell stated emphatically no positions should be lost across all of NSWTAG prior to the completion of the Pilot. This is not negotiable.
Commissioner Newell noted concerns expressed by members and the PSA that the Pilot would not be powered by the new TAGS software. However he also noted the current software which would “mirror” the proposed TAGS software, would be used in the Pilot.
Commissioner Newell stated the Pilot is to be conducted with a clear record of tasks undertaken and any faults/defects recorded accurately. Commissioner Newell stated the IRC will be the independent assessor of the success or otherwise of the Pilot and will undertake a review of the process at the end of the three-month initial trail period.
In the meantime, the PSA has leave to return to the IRC if it has concerns about the processes.
Commissioner Newell acknowledged the PSA’s concern about the lack of transparency by NSWTAG in the consultation process. He stated consultation MUST be recognised and adhered to by both parties.
Commissioner Newell also stated the following:
- NSWTAG is to provide the PSA with all role descriptions by close of business on Friday, 6 November
- NO new role descriptions will be written for the Pilot trial
- No NSWTAG employee is to be put in a position where they are forced to make a decision about their future without having the knowledge of what the new structure of NSWTAG looks like
- PSA will respond to the HR Transition Plan as soon as possible.
Commissioner Newell spent a lot of time engaging with members and delegates. He noted their concerns and expressed his appreciation for their contributions.
It is imperative members support their delegates and each other. Attend PSA and/or members’ meetings at every opportunity and raise any issues of concern with the Transformation Team.
What can you do?
- Give a copy of this bulletin to your colleagues
- Print out this bulletin and put it up on your notice board
- Ask a colleague to join the PSA
- Get involved as your Area Contact.
Update your details
If you have moved, have a new work email, work phone, or work location, please update your membership details HERE
Delegates on NSW TAG Vocational
Advisory Group:
Paul Gavin Robin Turnham
Martin Armstrong Peter Edgtton
Heather Stephenson Craig Hatfield
Christine Edmondson