Office of Environment and Heritage National Parks and Wildlife Service Industrial bulletin No:3
Sustainability meeting #3
On Wednesday, 13 April 2016, the PSA attended the third sustainability meeting this year with OEH representatives. The primary item on the agenda was the NPWS Award and NPWS Award Log of Claims issued on 10 March 2016.
- NPWS are looking at removing degree qualifications and Ranger classifications
- NPWS are considering changes to rostering practices to ensure the most cost-effective payment method for staff working on weekends (17 percent, 8.5 percent and OT).
The 2009 Saving Implementation Plan (SIP) agreement recommended NPWS form regional committees in conjunction with the PSA, to look at the operational needs and requirements of each region to explore where possible savings and efficiencies can be made.
PSA response to the log of claims
The PSA currently opposes the removal of degree qualification until a detailed proposal is provided for consultation.
The PSA Assistant General Secretary, Steve Turner attended the meeting. He articulated the Union’s negotiating position on NPWS Log of Claims by saying the PSA will not consent to amending or change the NPWS Award without OEH and NPWS first engaging with the Union and implement the key recommendations agreed to in the 2009 SIP agreement.
To date, NPWS has failed to comply with this SIP recommendation. Steve Turner stated it was disappointing that seven years have passed without NPWS implementing the SIP recommendation.
Next meeting
We will provide our next NPWS Industrial Bulletin after our next sustainability meeting scheduled for 5 May 2016.
What can I do?
The PSA encourages you to engage with your fellow colleagues and emphasise the importance of building a strong and robust workplace to defend against attacks on your hard-fought conditions entitlements.
- Speak to your colleagues and if they are not members, encourage them to join – the best way to protect your conditions is by becoming a member
- Post this IB on your PSA notice board
- Please contact us with your view on how we can better represent you and your fellow members.
Your PSA delegates
For more information on the Sustainability and award meetings, please contact our OEH and NPWS POVB PSA delegates:
Martin Smith (Far North Coast)