POVB Legal Fund
In June 2003, the PSA established a legal fund as a protective measure for non-commissioned prison officers who may be charged with a criminal offence in the workplace.
The corrections industry can be dangerous with uniformed staff often placed in positions of direct conflict with inmates and members of the public.
This can lead to unfair accusations of criminal behaviour.
As the PSA does not provide financial assistance to any member who has been charged with a criminal offence, the PSA Executive decided to establish the legal fund.
To contribute to the fund, contact the elected Prison Officers Vocational Branch official at your workplace for an application.
Alternatively, talk to the POVB Organiser or Industrial Officer at the PSA on
1300 772 679.
They can also assist if you wish to access the fund.
Any such requests will be passed on to the trustees.
Only financial members of the union are entitled to contribute to the fund.
Subscription is $8.00 per fortnight which is tax deductible and includes GST.