Please see the below summary of the August 2024 JCC meeting between the PSA and MNSW
Work, Health and Safety
MNSW provided an update regarding WHS. MNSW advised that there have been no incident reports in the last few months. MNSW also advised that September is wellness month and there will be activities, including 3 webinars on exercise, eating habits and sleep, 3 working groups, and a table tennis tournament.
The PSA requested an update regarding WHS officers, HSRs, mental health first aid officers, fire wardens, and peer support officers. MNSW replied and stated that information about these roles, and how members can contact them, will be sent to members in the first week of September (this week).
Staff Development, Training and PDP
MNSW advised that members were almost at the end of their PDPs for this year, therefore MNSW will start planning and looking at training for members including leadership training. Members can nominate themselves for this training.
The rest of the MNSW plan for training will be determined once the current PDP period has ended.
Temporary appointments
The PSA requested an update on temporary appointments and the conversion of members to on-going employment. MNSW advised that funding had been secured for on-going roles, and members who are temporary staff members will have the opportunity to be made ongoing if they successfully complete a comparative assessment.
Language Services update
MNSW advised that there were 1082 offers sent to candidates who applied for MNSW casual interpreting and translating work. The process was different this year and included a mandatory training program. 996 applicants accepted offers of casual employment from MNSW with nearly 900 people meeting the conditions regarding certification. Further 24 people retired from the panel and 100 people did not apply.
MNSW advised that the recruitment process highlighted various skill sets among applicants and the need for more training, possibly with Tafe NSW.
MNSW reported that they have just signed a new contract with Icare NSW for telephone interpreting in relation to injury management and assessment.
MNSW also reported that interpreting for the NSW Police around domestic violence, and work with NSW Courts was currently being negotiated. MNSW have also sought to secure work from Housing NSW and the NSW Department of Education. With the change in Government, the Government is now supporting MNSW as a provider of choice.
A further meeting was held with MNSW in relation to language services. A summary will be provided in a separate bulletin.
PSA Industrial Staff
Member Support Centre – 1800 772 679
Industrial Officer – Monika Wunderlin ()