PSA makes submission to NSW Legislative Council inquiry into museums and galleries
The PSA has made a submission on behalf of members in NSW galleries and museums to an inquiry into museums and galleries. The submission draws attention to the continued cuts to arts and museum funding and staff in NSW and the controversial move of the Powerhouse Museum.
The submission focuses on recent industrial issues faced by employees, including those in the Art Gallery of NSW, the Australian Museum and Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences (Powerhouse Museum).
The submission also highlights:
- the direct link between deleting the positions of trained and experienced public service employees and the quality of services offered to the public in NSW galleries and museums
- cuts imposed by the efficiency dividend
- the need for the NSW Government to ensure that it makes a comprehensive and world-class commitment to the arts in NSW especially in ensuring the diversity of cultural offerings and fair access to these resources for all the people in NSW
- the need for the NSW Government to make forward policy which recognises that our museums, galleries and other art institutions help us to reflect on and understand our world, and to participate in building and creating our future.
The submission can be accessed HERE.