PSA News – 20 July 2016
SPSF CPSU election result
On 30 May, members were advised that there would be two union elections this year in which all members are entitled to vote.
The first of these elections was the SPSF (NSW Branch) of the CPSU.
The result of this ballot is as follows:
Branch Secretary: Anne Gardiner
Branch Assistant Secretaries: Steve Turner and Kirsten Cameron
Branch President: Mary Court
Branch Vice Presidents: Jenny Singleton, Nicole Jess and Rebecca Reilly
Branch Councillors: Heather Shields, Sage Benishay, Shane Elliott, Matte Rochford, Kellie Bottrell, Jeff Walters, Angela Field, Michelle Bogatyrov, Shelley Odewahn, Julie Westacott.
Ballot papers for the second election, which is the main PSA election, will be sent on Monday 12 September 2016.
Voting in your union’s election is very important as it promotes democracy and accountability in the union.
PSA Annual Women’s Conference 2016
Women’s Conference will be held on Tuesday, and Wednesday, 13 and 14 September 2016 at PSA House, 160 Clarence Street, Sydney.
The theme for this year’s Conference is ‘Connecting the Generations’.
Any female PSA member can nominate to attend Conference.
Preference will be given to those who have not previously attended.
Women’s Conference is an opportunity to meet fellow members.
If your application is successful, the PSA will apply to your department for two days special union leave for you to attend.
To register for Women’s Conference click HERE.
Registrations close 15 August 2016
March to Mike’s Office
More than 100 ADHC members took the fight to defend public services from privatisation direct to the Premier on 18 July.
Members met at the Ferry Wharf in Manly and then marched to Mike Baird’s office.
The on-line article in the Daily Telegraph about the rally quoted PSA Assistant General Secretary, Steve Turner extensively about the PSA’s concerns for ADHC clients and thousands of staff after the privatisation comes into effect.
Steve Turner said ADHC was being sold off despite being the largest single provider of high level disability services and that people with disabilities will have their choice of provider removed once ADHC is dismantled.
He called on the Premier to ensure ADHC remains as a real choice for people with disabilities, their families and carers in NSW.
The PSA also wants the Baird Government to act on the 25,000-signature petition against the privatisation of ADHC that was submitted to Parliament in November 2014.
The PSA would like to thank the CFMEU, NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association, the MUA, RTBU, USU, and Unions NSW for their support in the march to Mike Baird’s office.
You can view the Daily Telegraph article about the rally HERE.
(Note: Some members may be unable to view the article due to subscription issues)
Billboards highlight the danger for Correctional Officers
The PSA has launched two billboards to alert the people of NSW about the importance of a public run prison system and the risks staff face.
The billboards are located at:
* M4 Parramatta inbound
* Dubbo South (Wongarbon) Mitchell Highway
You can view the billboard HERE.
View The Sunday Telegraph article HERE.
PSA submission to Inquiry into the NSW child protection system
The PSA has welcomed a move by the NSW Legislative Council (Upper House) to establish an inquiry into the NSW child protection system.
PSA Assistant General Secretary Steve Turner began the push for the inquiry back in mid-2015 after a number of tragic incidents.
The PSA, in consultation with members from Community Services, prepared a detailed submission for the inquiry, which you can read HERE.
Thanks to Community Services DC delegates for their work on the submission.
According to a Legislative Council media release, the inquiry will “look at the role of the Department of Family and Community Services (FACS) and non-government organisations in protecting children and young people at risk of harm” and consider the:
- adequacy of funding to employ specialist caseworkers and other frontline personnel, as well as funding for prevention and early intervention
- efficacy of the tools used to assess risk of harm reports
- training and monitoring of foster carers
- oversight by the Office of the Children’s Guardian
- initiatives to protect indigenous children.
Build A Better Future campaign thank you
Thanks to the volunteers who hit the phones and participated in other activities around the Build a Better Future campaign which urged voters to think about how the Federal election would affect public services in Australia.
In total, across Australia, volunteers had 46,102 conversations with union members and persuaded 33,191 to “Put the Liberals Last” to protect Medicare, penalty rates, jobs and job security, education funding, and our public services.
PSA defeats Government’s attempt to abuse process
The PSA has recently had another win in the Industrial Relations Commission (IRC).
Every three years all awards are reviewed by the IRC to ensure they are up to date.
This is an administrative process designed to ensure that references to Acts are updated and salaries tables kept current.
Historically, all parties have respected the unique nature of this process and not used it to push partisan agendas.
Unfortunately, the NSW Government has been insisting the IRC insert a No Extra Claims clause in each award against the wishes of the unions.
The PSA, along with Unions NSW, resisted their demand at the formal hearing in January 2016.
We’re happy to inform members that on 24 June 2016, the IRC reaffirmed the integrity of the process and denied the Government’s attempt to corrupt it.
This is an example of how the PSA continues to protect members’ interests.
The pitfalls and black holes of privatisation in The Sydney Morning Herald
Once again, Ross Gittins in The Sydney Morning Herald nails the argument against the privatisation of public services.
Read the Sydney Morning Herald article HERE.