PSA News – 24 March 2017
PSA Annual Conference and Country Conference 2017
The PSA Annual Conference will be held on Thursday 25 and Friday 26 May 2017 at PSA House, Level 10, 160 Clarence Street, Sydney.
Country Conference will be held on Wednesday 24 May also at PSA House commencing at 2.00pm.
Nomination forms are available on the PSA website.
Please ensure nomination forms are completed in full and email addresses printed clearly on the form.
Papers will be forwarded by email as they become available.
Nominations close 5pm, Friday 21 April 2017.
Land and Property Information BBQ and rally
The PSA is supporting a demonstration on Tuesday 28 March called by the Concerned Titles Group to protest the privatisation of Land and Property Information (LPI).
The PSA will be joined by the following institutions:
- The Concerned Titles Group
- The Law Society of NSW
- The Institution of Surveyors NSW
- The Real Estate Institute of NSW
The PSA will be holding a BBQ from 12:00pm on the day outside the LPI Building, Queen’s Square, before marching to the top of Martin Place (near Parliament House) at approximately 12:40pm.
The PSA encourages all members working in the CBD to join us for a BBQ lunch before rallying to let Premier Berejiklian know our public services are not for sale.
Protect our penalty rates
Recently, the Fair Work Commission cut rates for hospitality and retail workers and the State Government have refused to rule out doing the same for NSW public servants.
PSA General Secretary Stewart Little talks about why we must remain vigilant about protecting our penalty rates in this video.
Remember to sign our online petition HERE to protect our penalty rates.