PSA News – 8 October 2015
PSA calls for better training for Special Constables in wake of Parramatta shooting – Nine News
PSA Acting General Secretary, Steve Turner has called on the Government to ensure that Special Constables receive the same regularly updated training as police in the wake of the Parramatta shooting.
View the Nine News story HERE
More than 90 percent in ADHC back strike action
Ninety-two percent of PSA ADHC members have backed strike action in protest against the department’s privatisation plans.
ADHC delegates and staff have met and agreed on an action plan which will be rolled out across NSW in the coming months, starting in the Hunter region.
Members in the Hunter were the first to meet on 1 October and voted on strike action in their district for four hours on 4 November.
“Hands off TAFE” Day of Action
The Greens are holding a “Hands off TAFE” Day of Action in NSW on Monday 12 October to coincide with the final listed public hearing for the NSW Upper House inquiry into vocational education and training (VET).
Working conditions are under attack, further job losses are in the pipeline, buildings are being sold off and TAFE as a first rate vocational education provider is being trashed by the Smart and Skilled policy.
It’s time to stand up.
The “Hands Off TAFE” Day of Action allows you to choose how you want to be involved. You can participate in this mass collective action wherever you are located in NSW, at home or work, on the phone or computer, outside a TAFE campus, at a train station or in your community.
More information HERE
Handcuffs in court a must: PSA
PSA demands that all convicted criminals in courts be handcuffed to ensure staff and public safety hit the top of page three of the Daily Telegraph.
View The Daily Telegraph article HERE
Campaign boosts Sheriff’s Officer numbers
Good news in a time of staff cutbacks; the PSA has successfully campaigned to recruit additional Sheriff’s Officers.
Over the past few years, the number of Sheriff’s Officers throughout NSW has been declining, with many unsatisfactory reasons given for failing to recruit or replace retiring workers.
The heightened national terror alert announced in September 2014 further amplified the need to address dwindling numbers.
PSA staff and delegates on the Sheriff’s Officers’ Vocational Branch Advisory Group (SOVBAG) have been campaigning tirelessly to reverse the downward trend.
Part of a dispute lodged by the PSA against the Office of the Sheriff in March 2015 was the considerable reduction in Sheriff’s Officers and the need to rectify this shortfall as a matter of urgency.
The PSA’s persistence paid off: the Government announced security at key courthouses across NSW will be strengthened with the appointment of 40 new officers.
The new recruits will undergo a five-week training program, with the first classes already underway.
Recruits will be located in Sydney and regional areas of NSW.
Child Protection workers saved from red tape nightmare
Thanks to the intervention of the PSA, the proposed audit of Out of Home Care has been streamlined.
Members were concerned that they were required to complete a list of important tasks over an impossible timeframe, affecting how much time they could directly spend with children at risk.
Acting PSA General Secretary, Steve Turner contacted Minister Hazzard’s office when this proposal was unveiled and common sense prevailed.
Unsworn police staff remembered in memorial
A week prior to the tragedy in Parramatta, a memorial to all police staff, including non-sworn members, killed on the job was unveiled in Surry Hills, Sydney.
The PSA was among those who contributed to the memorial which features the names of all staff killed in the line of duty since 2006, the same year a national memorial was established in Canberra.
Plans are in motion to honour staff killed before that date.
RIP Rachel Polanskis
Long-time member Rachel Polanskis has passed away.
Working at the University of Western Sydney, Rachel was a PSA member for 20 years.
As colleague Lorraine Fordham recalled: “She was a committed and enthusiastic unionist; even after being made redundant a couple of years ago, she still maintained her union membership as she wanted to continue to support the union and its members.”
Safety and Injured Workers Conference
Unions NSW will be holding its annual Safety and Injured Workers Conference on 22 and 23 October 2015 from 9am.
Thursday October 22 will focus on workplace safety rights and Friday October 23 on the rights of injured workers.
The venue is Trades Hall Auditorium, 377 Sussex Street Sydney
Further information HERE