PSA Schools Recognition Week
We know schools couldn’t function without the work and dedication of all SAS staff. The PSA wanted to make sure this was properly acknowledged with a special week just for you. So back in the early 2000s the PSA launched the first ever SAS Staff Recognition Week. And it is still going strong today.
Recognition Week is a great PSA initiative that we organise and celebrate with our members; an opportunity for the school community to show SAS Staff that they are appreciated for the important role they play within the school whether they work in the office, the library, in the school grounds, in a classroom setting or in other roles.
Over the years, more and more classifications have been introduced to schools. To ensure Recognition Week was inclusive of all our members, we amended the name to PSA Schools Recognition Week. This acknowledges the work of all SAS Staff, General Assistants, School Psychologists, Student Support Officers and other classifications.
Watch year the PSA develops a list of suggested activities each school may wish to undertake. This is provided to the Principal and the P&C, inviting them to celebrate the staff in their school.
We send, by post, a Recognition Week package to each school including promotional materials and merchandise.
The PSA always promotes the value of your work, and Recognition Week is about encouraging the school community to acknowledge your contribution to education in each and every school.