The PSA is presently setting up a Bargaining Team to further encourage member involvement in bargaining for wages and conditions. This innovation follows recent initiatives to increase member say in negotiations around pay and conditions, such as the ‘live chat’ and the ballot around Award negotiations for the 2.5% pay increase.
Read more about what you will do as a member of the Bargaining Team HERE
Nominations are invited from all financial PSA members for the position of Bargaining Team Delegate.
A full list of electorates and delegates is available HERE
Nominations must be seconded by two financial PSA members in the same electorate as the nominee and forwarded to:
The Deputy Returning 0fficer
Public Service Association of NSW
Nominations may be submitted:
- by post: GPO Box 3365 Sydney NSW 2001
- hand delivered to the PSA Inquiry counter on Level 5, 160 Clarence Street, Sydney
- faxed to (02) 9262 1623
so as to reach the PSA Head Office no later than 10am Monday, 14 September 2015.
Nomination forms are available on the PSA website:
Nominations and electorate will be confirmed within 3-4 workings days of receiving the form.