The PSA SAO Science Advisory Group had its quarterly meeting on Tuesday 16 August 2022.
The advisory group meets to discuss matters affecting School Administrative Officers working in science. The advisory group works with PSA staff to raise issues for discussion with the Department of Education (DoE).
Mould: Did you know?
Members have reported that instances of mould have increased over the past 12 months.
Mould can cause allergic reactions, asthma, pneumonitis, infections of the upper airway, sinusitis, or other lung infections. If a worker has a weakened immune system or other existing condition, the health effects can be severe.
Workers should be vigilant in identifying and monitoring any changes in their health.
If mould is evident in a classroom or workspace the worker should:
- Report the mould through Work Health and Safety Hotline
- Lodge an incident report if experiencing any health impacts AND visit their GP asap
- Email the Principal and internal Health and Safety Committee (HSC) to notify of the mould and request cleaning
- Request an assessment of the cause and rectification required to make the area safe and prevent recurrence
The Principal (or their representative) should arrange appropriate cleaning and contact Asset Management requesting an assessment of cause and rectification required. This information should be provided to the workers as soon as possible.
If there is significant mould in an area, and/or a worker is experiencing any negative health effects from the mould, the workers should be relocated until the appropriate cleaning and rectification work has been done. Experts recommend that if the mould covers one square metre or more, it should be professionally cleaned by mould-removal experts. There are several companies that do this work.
Fume cupboards: Compliance and maintenance
Members and Delegates have reported to the PSA that not all fume cupboards are functioning correctly and that there can be difficulties in getting them inspected and functioning correctly.
Fumes can be a hazard in the workplace, especially for SAOs working in science. Functioning fume cupboards are essential for you to use and for curriculum outcomes. The only way to ensure your fume cupboards are functioning correctly is by annual inspection.
The PSA will be raising fume cupboard inspection at the next quarterly Work Health and Safety meeting for discussion.
If you have fume cupboards that were recertified more than 12 months ago, the PSA recommends that you log this with the incident reporting hotline 1800 811 523, and the asset management unit 1300 482 651.
Lack of appropriate in-person training
The SAO Science Advisory Group has been continually pushing the Department, through various meetings such as the PSA’s consultation with the Work Health and Safety team, for face-to-face training to return especially Introduction to Science Part B and training associated with the updated Chemical Safety in Schools package.
Training has been a key focus of the group and the PSA. Your Delegates and PSA staff have had some success in ensuring there is better training offered that is targeted at SAOs working in science, this remains an online module. We will continue to advocate for appropriate face to face training and will keep members updated as discussions progress.
Your SAO Science Delegates
If you have any topics or concerns that you would like discussed at the next SAO Science Advisory Group meeting which is scheduled on 15 November 2022, please contact the committee member in your area.
If you would like to update your details or require individual assistance, please contact the PSA Member Support Centre on 1300 772 679.
Nicole Johnson (Chair)
Alexandria Park CS
Sydney Metro – East
Rosemary Godbehere (Secretary)
Wyndham College Snr HS
Sydney Metro – North/Nth West
Goran Terzic (Vice Secretary)
Bankstown Snr College
Sydney Metro – South West
Rachel Troth (Vice Chair)
Chifley College – Bidwill
Sydney Metro – West
Sharon Francis
Blaxland HS
Sydney Metro – Nepean Blue Mnts
Maree Hampstead
Shoalhaven HS
Regional – Wollongong/South East
Petra Horwood
Kariong Mtns HS
Regional – Newcastle/Central Coast
Alison James
Georges River College
Metro – South East
Robert Holmes
Doonside Tech HS
Metro – West