SafeWork Inspectors – Mutual Leave Fund
SafeWork Inspectors – Mutual Leave Fund – August 2018 (PDF version)
The PSA has been asked to agree to an additional deduction of three (3) annual sick days from all staff covered by the Crown Employees (Department of Finance, Services and innovation – SafeWork Inspectors 2007) Award (the Award) to top up the Mutual Leave Fund (MLF).
This request is due to the MLF as at 30 June 2018 being at 1089 days.
The MLF has reduced to this number due to genuine usage of the fund.
The SafeWork Executive have advised that come, 1 January 2019, a smaller contribution may be needed (dependant on usage of the fund).
If your current sick leave balance is less than five days, you will not be required to contribute to the fund. For a copy of the MLF Award conditions click HERE.
Clause 11.2 (a) of the Award states that:
Unless otherwise agreed between the parties, a contribution of three days sick leave will be made from an Inspector’s annual sick leave entitlement on 1 January each year and pooled in a Fund.
As it is your sick leave and your fund that is affected, it is important that members have the final say.
To indicate whether you support managements request or not please click on the link HERE.
The vote will be open from 9.00 am Friday 10 August and will close at 5.00 pm on Thursday 16 August 2018.
The PSA and SafeWork Inspectors Advisory Group will support the majority position of the members.
For any further information, please contact: