SAS Staff News
SASS LMBR News February 2014 (PDF Version)
The Public Service Association is concerned about the ongoing implementation of the Learning Management Business Reform, particularly in relation to the inadequate levels of support and training provided to administrative staff in the 229 focus schools.
Late last year, PSA Members in LMBR focus schools placed bans on LMBR activities. The Department lodged a dispute about the work bans and the NSW Industrial Relations Commission directed the PSA to lift those bans.
Assurances that appropriate support would be provided members were made however, it is clear in 2014 that PSA members are still experiencing SIGNIFICANT difficulties with lack of support from the Department during implementation of LMBR.
The Public Service Association has contacted Mr Peter Riordan, Deputy Director General Corporate Services seeking an urgent meeting to relay concerns expressed by PSA members about LMBR.
The next meeting with the Deputy Director General Corporate Services is scheduled for Wednesday 19 February 2014.
The PSA will inform members of the outcome of the meeting.
For further information please contact the PSA on 9220 0900
and ask for the Schools Team