Schools bulletin Hunter & Central Coast Working conditions - Public Service Association

Schools bulletin Hunter & Central Coast Working conditions

Schools bulletin Hunter and Central Coast working conditions – March 2016 (PDF version)

For members who still aren’t aware my name is Belinda Sugden and I am your PSA Organiser and representative for your area.

Recently I have been visiting Group 1 and Group 2 Learning Management and Business Reform (LMBR) schools preparing members for the program’s roll-out. Concerns have been raised around members being eligible in seeking travel compensation for attending LMBR training.

Group 1 attends Wyoming Primary School at 41 Maiden Brush Road, Wyoming.

Group 2 attends Old Gateshead Primary School site at 4 Pacific Highway, Gatehead.

General Conditions of Employment (Refer to 1.7.2 Excess Travel time of Handbook)

Staff members required to perform duty at a location other than their normal place of work may be compensated for travelling time which exceeds the normal travel time between their home and normal place of work.

A school administration and support staff member is entitled to claim travel for excess travel time when:

  • required to travel outside of their normal hours of duty; and
  • such travel is necessary in order for the staff member to perform their duties.

When attending a training and development activity, school administration and support staff members are entitled to the reimbursement of any additional necessary expenses incurred regarding travel, meals and accommodation.

Applications for excess travel

Approval must be sought from the Principal for excess travel, prior to the event.

Payment of meal allowances

When a school administration and support staff member is required to travel on official business, but is not required to stay overnight away from their normal residence, the staff member may be entitled to meal allowances:

  • for breakfast when required to commence travel at or before 6.00am and at least one hour before the prescribed starting time
  • for an evening meal when required to work or travel until or beyond 6.30pm
  • for lunch when the staff member is required to travel a total distance on the day of at least 100 kilometres and, as a result, is located at least 50 kilometres from the staff member’s normal work location at the normal lunch time.

For further information please contact Belinda Sugden your local Organiser to arrange your next PSA meeting .

It is important everyone is involved in their union. PSA needs to capture all issues affecting you in your workplace.

Talk to your colleagues about the PSA. Invite them to Join and give them a copy of this Bulletin.

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