TAFE Bulletin re Capability Framework - 30 January 2015 - Public Service Association

TAFE Bulletin re Capability Framework – 30 January 2015

TAFE Bulletin re Capability Framework – 30 January 2015 (PDF version)

Yesterday, the PSA/CPSU was successful in forcing TAFE NSW to consult about the implementation of the NSW Public Sector Capability Framework.

The PSA/CPSU was compelled to apply to the Fair Work Commission last week after TAFE NSW refused to comply with your enterprise agreement and meet with us again about our dispute.

At the Fair Work Commission, TAFE NSW agreed to provide further information about the implementation of the Capability Framework, and in particular the impact it will have on staff and measures taken to reduce any adverse effects. TAFE NSW also agreed to meet with the PSA/CPSU next week for further discussions and to suspend all action that uses the Capability Framework while consultation continues.

What can I do?

TAFE NSW informed us that it has advised all Institutes to suspend all processes that use the Capability Framework. If your Institute is still progressing any action contrary to the advice (such as a restructure that uses Position Descriptions with the Capability Framework), or if you have any information about how the introduction of the Capability Framework is affecting you, please let the PSA/CPSU know by calling the Member Support Centre on 1300 772 679.


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