TfNSW PSA members update – 10 June 2015
Transport – members update – 10 June 2015 (PDF version)
Update on your Award – Award Scoping Meeting 27/5/2015
Your union, the PSA, Unions NSW and other transport unions met with TfNSW about your award conditions and pay rise on 27 May 2015. The PSA was represented by an Industrial Official and a member of the PSA Award Negotiation Team.
Award discussions
All the unions voiced their concerns regarding the timing of negotiations. The main area of concern is negotiations may go beyond 30 June 2015. This would mean members would not get a pay rise in the first full pay period of July. Further compounding this is the wages policy, which precludes retrospectivity, meaning that if negotiations were drawn out there would be no back pay for members from 1 July 2015.
It should be noted TfNSW could choose to grant a pay increase while the negotiations continue (other agencies have taken this approach). However, TfNSW has a number of claims it would like to negotiate.
To counter this, Unions NSW sought commitments from TfNSW that salaries will be increased from 1 July 2015 (first full pay period) and that the other matters be discussed afterwards. TfNSW did not agree to this, but could agree if “in principle” agreements are reached on a number of TfNSW’s claims.
What are the five main or key priorities TfNSW are proposing
TfNSW is putting forward five main changes or key priorities. Some of the changes could potentially be beneficial to members. However, to be certain, unions will consult members and examine draft clauses.
A summary of the five areas:
CBD taskforce
The creation of up to 40 new positions. TfNSW is seeking for eight staff to be employed primarily as part of road closures and building works in the CBD. TfNSW gave a commitment that no existing positions or entitlements would be affected—just those positions which have been identified as the TLM, STIM and the ATC roles. TfNSW has asserted this does not affect current STIMs and ATCs.
Flexible working hours provisions
Increase in bandwidth between 7am to 7pm. Deletion of core-hours clause.
Temporary employment
Increase in temporary engagement from one to two years. Logic is that it will benefit backfilling of positions due to staff members seeking career transition breaks or secondments that tend to go for more than 12 months.
Alignment of drug and alcohol policy
The award says in a fit state, free of the effects of alcohol or drugs. Policy says zero alcohol or drugs. The award is legally enforceable unlike the policy.
Inclusion of casuals in award
This was a claim in 2014 and TfNSW is seeking this in 2015.
Your union’s position
Your union, the PSA, has continued to hold meetings with members and consult with you on your award conditions and that of the pay rise.
The core focus of the meetings is to ensure members discuss relevant issues with each other via ‘Listening’ meetings. The results from these are used to inform the PSA’s position. Early indications are that members want the pay rise as from 1 July (full pay period) and that the carrot and stick approach (we will give you a pay rise if you agree to our changes) is not a sign of good faith or willingness to enter into holistic negotiations from TfNSW.
We will continue to set up meetings in the lead up to the negotiation/variation process to ensure we hear your views.
What next
The PSA, Unions NSW and other unions will meet with TfNSW in the week beginning 9 June to progress negotiations. We will update members after this meeting and further consult with you to inform our position.
What can you do?
- Give a copy of this bulletin to your colleagues
- Print this bulletin and put it on your notice board
- Ask a colleague to join the PSA
- Become a contact in your area
- Ask a colleague to attend the next PSA meeting with you
- To join the PSA go to –