The People’s Inquiry into Privatisation - Public Service Association

The People’s Inquiry into Privatisation

The People’s Inquiry into Privatisation – September 2016 (PDF version)


Monday 5 September 2016


Quadrangle next to 670 Hunter Street

The People’s Inquiry is an independent public inquiry into the effects of privatisation on Australian communities. View their website HERE.

A panel chaired by David Hetherington is travelling around Australia collecting real life stories about how privatisation of public services has affected our lives.

Newcastle is the first port of call, with a hearing at 4pm on Monday 5 September. The PSA will be making a formal submission. PSA Assistant General Secretary Steve Turner and members will be addressing the inquiry.

To mark the occasion Hunter Workers (formerly NTHC) is organising a lunchtime rally of all union affiliates, including members of other public service unions.

The message of the rally will be the role of government in providing services to the Australian community. You can read the Hunter Unions newsletter HERE.

PSA members who can use a mealbreak, or flex or other leave, are urged to attend.

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