Course Descriptions
Course Descriptions for 2023 Training at the PSA
We are very excited to introduce our February to June 2023 Training Schedule at the PSA. We have designed our training for our workplace delegates and leader to go on a union journey.
Delegates and Workplace Leaders:
Role of the Delegate
These one day course is designed to give workplace delegates the skills and knowledge they need to build power at their workplaces.
You will explore the importance of unions, history and the values that underpin them. You will develop your skills utilising tools such as mapping, recruitment conversations and problem-solving frameworks to build power.
You will leave with:
- A clear sense of what your role is and how you contribute to the overall goals of the union in growing big and building power.
- The ability and confidence to sign-up new members and handle objections about joining the union
- Ability to empower and build confidence in other members about the PSA
- Knowledge to build capacity in the workplace through mapping
- Knowledge of union structures and history
- Ability to assist with setting up union structures.
Women in the Union
At this 1-day course you will learn about the important role women have and play in building strong unions. You will explore the history of women’s participation in the workforce and the union, dealing with workplace sexual harassment, power and assertiveness.
You will learn about your rights, entitlements and responsibilities in the workplace. You will learn about the barriers still facing women in workforce today and explore the reasons behind pay inequity. You will become more familiar about public sector flexible work practices. You will leave empowered to change your workplaces to be more equitable toward women.
*Content warning: this course contains discussion of sexual harassment and assault. It’s not graphic, but it can be triggering if you’ve experienced it. Enrol with caution if you think it may affect you.
Dealing with Workplace Issues
This course equips new delegates with skills and knowledge to assist members facing disciplinary action or experiencing workplace bullying. You will learn to apply the problem-solving framework when resolving members issues. You will be able to share and apply knowledge of rights and entitlements. You will develop plans when helping members with workplace disciplinary actions or bullying.
Work, Health and Safety
The course looks at various rights, entitlements and obligations under the WHS Act 2011 that underpin a safe and healthy workplace, including: Finding your way around the WHS Act; WHS duties – who has a WHS duty and what is that duty; Consultation – the what, when and how of proper workplace consultation; Issue Resolution using WHS legislation – is my issue covered under WHS legislation?; Health & Safety Representatives (HSR) – what is a HSR and how do you get one?; Risk management and workplace inspections.
Mental Health
Stigma around talking mental health at work? Not sure how to help someone who is struggling? How can we change that and build a positive, inclusive workplace culture? We look at information, strategies and resources that can help support people with mental health issues and encourage them to seek professional help if concerned. We also look at some useful strategies to manage stress and build personal resilience.
**Content warning: Please be aware that we do discuss suicide and suicide prevention, and we ask that you be mindful of your own health when considering enrolling for this course.
Dealing with Workplace Bullying
Designed to assist members and delegates to understand what constitutes bullying and how to prevent and manage bullying and harassment at work. We look at relevant legislation and guidance materials, incident reporting and practical strategies and processes that can assist.
Meeting and Negotiation Skills
The first part of the course will help you to run meetings smoothly and efficiently, both in a union context and more broadly.
The second part of the course looks at negotiating skills. Tip the balance of power by learning to be an effective negotiator. The course is aimed at delegates and activists but would benefit any member.