Trustee and Guardian Forfeited Hours
Trustee and Guardian Forfeited Hours – August 2017 (PDF version)
In March and April of 2017, the PSA circulated a survey to members in order to continue ongoing monitoring of the Trustee and Guardian restructure.
There were some very troubling results that identified significant issues around workloads as Trustee and Guardian moves into the so-called “Business as Usual” phase. The results appear to have declined even further from a similar survey in 2015, vindicating the PSA’s submissions to the IRC that large scale staffing cuts would exacerbate Work Health and Safety issues.
The PSA remains deeply concerned that many members continue to be given impossible workloads. One of the impacts of this is forfeiting of hours whereby members are essentially working far more hours than they are being paid for.
At a recent JCC meeting with Management, the PSA requested information on how many hours were being forfeited by staff across Trustee and Guardian. Management responded that they did not have a mechanism by which to centrally collate this data. This is obviously a disappointing response as it indicates that the real workloads across the agency cannot and are not being tracked effectively.
Nonetheless, it is important that individual members keep track of their forfeited hours so that the PSA can gain a proper overview of the scale of the problem. Could all individual members please keep track of their forfeited hours and forward the number of forfeited hours at the end of the settlement period, along with their position in the Agency, to a member of the Trustee and Guardian Advisory Group.
Advisory Group Delegates:
- Richard Falkowski
- Peter Edgtton
- Martin Armstrong
- Maindhree Anderson
- Terrence Hancock
We still have vacancies on the Advisory Group for Sydney CBD and a number of the regions. If you are interested in these roles, or would like to organise a meeting in your workplace, please contact:
Roland Harris – PSA organiser
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