International Women's Day - Public Service Association

International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day Rally on March 7 – Sydney Event


The PSA CPSU NSW with our sisters from other Unions will partner for this rally with the Sydney International Women’s day committee, a chapter of Women’s March, (a collective organisation from the US) that have reached out to co-host. There are many other organisations and women attending. All women are welcome, so bring your friends and supporters. This is expected to have upwards of 10,000 women from across Sydney and regional areas attend.



2020 is also a celebration of 90 years of Women’s Council at the PSA CPSU NSW and we are proud of our industrial achievements over these years. From Equal Pay cases, Flexible work, Parental leave, Lactation breaks to Family and Domestic Violence Leave.


We have a voice and are proud of our achievements. Come and make your presence felt at this event. Join with your union to celebrate International Women’s Day 2020.


Date: March 7th

Time: 11am

Where: Hyde Park North (at the Archibald Fountain)

Where to: The march will leave from Hyde Park North and end at Belmore Park (north of Central Station)


There will be speakers and stalls in Belmore Park, where the march will end.


Look out for our purple flags with the PSA CPSU NSW Women logo and the PSA CPSU NSW flags in red, black and white. We also have the purple PSA CPSU NSW paddles to carry and wave.


Bring your cameras and phones. Take photos and send them in to


Transport after the event is close by at Central Station: trains, buses and light rail.

For our members in their workplaces:

  • We are asking you, to hold up the Purple PSA CPSU Women logo HERE with your workplace written in the white/blank space under the logo. The more the better! Take selfies and send them into the PSA CPSU NSW [].
  • Display the “Sydney IWD March” poster wherever you can. HERE

If you can hold a morning tea, this would be a good time to take some shots for IWD 2020.

Speak with your delegate or organiser if you are unsure about your workplaces rights.


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As a union member, you are part of Australia’s biggest social movement. Your union’s strength lies in its size; the more voices we have, the greater our power to bargain for better pay, conditions and benefits. Join your union today.

  • Collective strength; being a union member gives you a stronger voice when dealing with your employer
  • Standing up for your job: the PSA campaigns for a better-funded, strong public service
  • Journey insurance; get protection to and from work
  • Member benefits: get great discounts on a wide range of products and services
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