Your timesheet is a legal document.  You must accurately record your hours of work. - Public Service Association

Your timesheet is a legal document.  You must accurately record your hours of work.

Members have reported that they are being directed to under record the hours that they are working.  This is WRONG.  Members need to accurately record their hours, the accurate recording gives the PSA the evidence that it needs to fight excessive workload and forfeiting of hours.

Your health and wellbeing is at stake if you are constantly working under an unsustainable workload.

The Association recently undertook a survey of members, asking how much time you are losing/forfeiting per month.

The figures are concerning and show that members are constantly losing/forfeiting between 5 – 11+ hours every month.

Caseworkers have the Workload Planner (WLP) to manage their workload and the Manager Casework, can use this tool to push back on unhealthy workloads for their team and themselves.  All other staff such as managers, admin, OSP, PSP, commissioning and planning that don’t have the WLP tool to manage their workload, have a right to raise concern about their excessive workload.

We encourage all our members to raise their workload issues and to contact the PSA and SafeWork NSW if these concerns are ignored.  The first step after raising your concerns is to lodge a WHS incident report stating your work overload.

All members have the right to say no to excessive workloads and put their psychological wellbeing first, no matter where you sit in the hierarchy.

Working for free is masking the huge under resourcing of Community Services.  The Government, over the last 12 years, has ignored the vital work our members in Community Services do, putting it in the too hard basket.

Don’t be intimidated into under recording your hours.  If you continue to experience difficulties, please contact the PSA’s Member Support Centre in the first instance – telephone 1300 772 679.

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