2024 TfNSW and RMS Award Negotiations
As members will be aware, both the Transport for NSW and Sydney Metro Salaries and Conditions of Employment Award and the Roads and Maritime Services Consolidated Salaried Award are up for negotiation this year. As such, we would like to know what members would like to see included in the Log of Claims.
Complete this five minute survey to have your say.
Last year we won a 4.5 per cent pay rise, a Union Noticeboard on the front page of the TfNSW Intranet, Union access to all inductions, updated leave clauses and, finally, a facilitations clause.
Given that we have a new government that has committed to improving worker wellbeing, now is the time to let your Union know what needs to be improved.
PSA Delegates
Dane Richards Corporate Services, Burwood
Adam Carroll: Regional and Outer Metro, Grafton
Janet Miller: People and Culture, Macquarie Park
Gary Sladden: Customer Strategy and Technology, Yennora
Sharon Smith: Corporate Services, Newcastle West
Lee-Anne Stanford: Regional and Outer Metro, Wollongong
Hayley Dellaca: Regional and Outer Metro, Newcastle
Dani Gordon: Infrastructure and Place, Newcastle