Important PSA statement – Corrective Services
Dear PSA members in Corrective Services,
Last week, the PSA appeared before the Industrial Relations Commission.
This was in response to an unauthorised and UNTRUE email which was widely distributed on 25 August by a person who holds NO position in the PSA and who works for ANOTHER union.
The President of the Industrial Relations Commission, Justice Walton, made a statement on Friday 2 September which you can read HERE.
In addition, a sworn statement from the PSA was put to the Industrial Relations Commission that day.
The statement to the Commission from the PSA read in part:
“The Public Service Association of NSW is not currently negotiating a POVB Award. There is a proposal from Corrective Services NSW to create one overarching Award for the majority of uniformed staff. The PSA has not as yet entered into formal negotiations about the one Award proposal”.
In November 2012, I was seconded from Safework NSW to the PSA after being elected as General Secretary. In that time I have worked hard to ensure that members are consulted on issues that impact upon them. That is why I introduced the “Your Pay, Your Say” surveys.
I give a solemn commitment that IF negotiations commence around one award, then those negotiations will be with delegates from areas impacted and that no award will be agreed to by the PSA without a full vote of members who may be impacted.
Yours In Unity
Anne Gardiner
PSA General Secretary
CPSU/SPSF NSW Branch Secretary