$3.18 million funding boost to Schools for Administrative Staff – PSA Win!
$3.18 million funding boost to Schools for Administrative Staff – PSA Win – May 2018 (PDF version)
After lobbying from your PSA delegates and staff the Department of Education has recognised that this year Term 2 is extremely busy because of new systems and HR Payroll being rolled out in schools.
The PSA understands members have been doing it tough dealing with work overload and thank the Department and the Minister for listening to our requests and providing this assistance. This is a significant win for administrative staff in schools.
To help you with the new systems, the department has approved additional funding just for administrative staff hours (overtime or relief) for the period up to 30 June, 2018. A circular was today sent to all school principals which said:
This additional funding allocation, which totals $3.18 million across our schools, can be used flexibly by schools to best meet your specific administrative support needs through payment for overtime worked by existing school administrative and support staff (including business managers) or the engagement of relief administrative staff.
This allocation MUST be used to support SAS staff.
Please find attached HERE advice regarding additional hours and overtime for school administrative and support staff which was also sent to Principals.
We urge you to encourage your Principal to use these additional hours to assist you in this very busy time. The funding runs out at the end of June so ensure you comply with the timeframe. While this is not a long time it will assist in easing the increased work load for Administrative Staff.
We have been advised that:
Funding has been allocated on a sliding scale with more being allocated to larger schools. Schools with a 0.5 FTE SAM position will receive a minimum allocation of 2.5 hours per week or 10 hours of overtime over a four week period. Schools with a 1 FTE SAM position will receive a minimum allocation of 5 hours per SAM FTE or 20 hours of overtime over a four week period. The funding has been calculated using the SAM overtime rate for up to 2 hours each day.
Your PSA schools delegates put in a lot of extra work doing surveys and getting data together to assist the PSA in demonstrating the unfair increased work load in schools resulting in the Department recognising the need to take action to support our members in schools.
The PSA will continue to fight for sufficient staffing in schools to alleviate unmanageable workloads.